> > There is a problem with the Berlin mirrors.
> >    http://www.berlin-consortium.org/
> > works fine, but if I point at any of the mirrors, e.g.
> >    http://www.de.berlin-consortium.org/
> > I land deep in Debian territory!
> I believe the reason is that the berlin people need to setup
> a non-ip-virtual-host on _every_ debian mirror.  If they haven't
> contacted each admin it probably won't be set up.
As I understood it, only va.debian.org was to get a (IPless) virtual host.
The rest of the mirrors would be reached by using 
www.<country>.berlin-consortium.org/berlin/ .
Since the Debian mirrors all have their own IP, use of those addresses should 
right into www.<country>.debian.org/berlin/ (being the primary virtual host for 
the IP). 
It will be necessary to work out some DNS issues as we have CNAMEs pointing to 

This is much less work for everyone involved. Getting the mirrors to set up 
virtual hosts
is not a viable alternative. It's going to take me two weeks at least simply to 
them to turn on content negotation (still haven't heard back from two mirrors). 
trying to get virtual hosts set up for every project we sponsor.

- Jay

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