On Sat, Feb 07, 1998 at 08:30:11PM +0000, J.Sigbrandt wrote:

> There is a problem with the Berlin mirrors.
>    http://www.berlin-consortium.org/
> works fine, but if I point at any of the mirrors, e.g.
>    http://www.de.berlin-consortium.org/
> I land deep in Debian territory!

I believe the reason is that the berlin people need to setup
a non-ip-virtual-host on _every_ debian mirror.  If they haven't
contacted each admin it probably won't be set up.



   / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
  / linux: Unbekannter Terminaltyp                                /
 / Ich weiß nicht, auf was für einem Terminaltyp Sie arbeiten -  /
/ alles, was ich habe, ist 'linux'.              -- Solaris 2.5 /

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