Sue Campbell wrote:
>As the webmaster, I probably should have stepped in earlier on this
>discussion. As was stated earlier, this was discussed a while ago
>and the majority asked for white. Just so there is no accusations
>of bias, I'll mention that I find the pure white background distracting.

Hmm... I haven't followed the discussion much, but why do you need to
specify a background at all? Shouldn't it be up to the _reader_ to configure
his browser for his preferred colour set?

On the WWW pages I write, I usually set colours only when there's a specific
need for them (which is rare).

In any case, remember that if you specify one colour in <BODY>, you have to
specify them all (BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, VLINK, ALINK). Otherwise people with
non-default browser settings get suboptimal colours (e.g. if someone sets
his browser's default colours to white-on-black, and you set BGCOLOR to
white, the text ends up as white-on-white...).

(Side note: I noticed that the SGI Indy workstations at my university use
grey90 as the default background colour for xterms and Emacsen. I suspect
this is a default chosen by SGI, and probably not chosen lightly.)

[I don't read debian-www, so mail me directly if you want to reach me.]


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