
I've generated a script to count males and females in Debian

And I've created an article to explain that I'm receiving an
heterophobic agression in this community:

Thanks for your attention. 

Miriam Ruiz <mir...@debian.org> writes:

> El dom., 5 abr. 2020 a las 0:34, Jessica Clarke (<jrt...@debian.org>) 
> escribió:
>> And in fact, quoting the text at the bottom of your comic:
>> >  There is a difference between ‘that’s a shitty argument’ and ‘you’re a 
>> > shitty person’.
>> I saw Miry as trying to ensure it doesn't devolve into the latter.
> That was precisely my intention. Thanks for being able to explain it
> better than me.
> Greetings,
> Miry


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