On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 03:38:14PM -0900, K.Reitz wrote:
>       I am new to this mailing list having found out via 
> http://women.debian.org/

Welcome! :)

>I just visited the debian women wiki section since there is a reference in 
>this email to another email from 2011, which contains the link. I do not feel 
>I might have found this mail list so easily had it not been for 
>thewomen.debian.org website. Which by the way can be found via a search 
>engine. Anything with the wiki site isn't likely to be found as it's obscured 
>within all the other wiki material.

Well, the wiki is really useful but I agree that isn't so visible.
The idea was not to rely only on the Debian-women section of
wiki.debian.org, but to simply move all the content of women.debian.org
to the main Debian site, which is: www.debian.org (under a specific dir
/women/) - and setting a redirect from women.debian.org to
This way we can use the www.debian.org infrastructure, which is quite
well maintained (in term of daily builds, translations, validation checks
and so on) and we can be visible directly inside the Debian project.

> [...] 
> Just a newbie's thoughts

And really appreciated too. :)

"Nostra patria è il mondo intero
e nostra legge è la libertà
ed un pensiero
ribelle in cor ci sta."         P.Gori

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