Hi Marga!

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:03:36PM -0300, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to Asheesh for some editing and generally friendlying the text.
>  Here's an updated version, most probably the final version unless
> anyone has any other comments.
> I will need help with spreading this, so if anyone wants to try and do
> some "outreach", it'd be great.

Wow, the announcement is really good (IMO). Thank you (and Asheesh) for
writing it!

I've CC-ed -publicity in order to use their super-spread-powers and maybe make
a press release of it: Alexander, is it possible? If not we could add a
paragraph in the next DPN about it. ;)

[@ -publicity people: below the text of the announcement, quoted from Marga's

> *-*-*-*
> Are you enthusiastic about Debian and thinking about contributing? We
> want to teach you the basics.
> We are convinced that there are a lot of people out there that want to
> get involved with Free Software but don't know where to start.  For
> Debian, the most common task you'll do as a contributor is rebuilding
> a package.
> The Debian Women project, in collaboration with the OpenHatch project,
> will be holding an IRC event to help people that want to compile their
> first Debian package from source, and apply their first patch.
> The event
> On Saturday May 7th, two tutorial sessions will be held on
> #debian-women on irc.debian.org to help people rebuild a package for
> the first time.
> The earlier session, suggested for those that live in Oceania, Asia,
> Africa and Europe, will be held at 11:00 UTC.  The later session,
> suggested for those that live in the Americas, will be held at 22:00
> UTC.
> You can find out the exact time in your timezone by using the timezone
> converter: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
> There will be people available to answer questions and generally help
> out with any difficulties that might arise all along the day.
> Intended audience
> This event is aimed to anyone who wants to rebuild a Debian package
> for the first time, it's a simple task that doesn't require any
> previous knowledge, only a working installation of Debian (or Ubuntu,
> or other Debian-derived system).  We want to particularly encourage
> women who want to get involved, to take their first steps in
> contributing to Free Software, but everybody is welcome.
> More about IRC
> IRC is a real-time chat system you can use to get in touch with
> members of the Debian community. You can connect to IRC through lots
> of different clients, including xchat, pidgin and konversation.
> About Debian Women
> The Debian Women project seeks to balance and diversify the Debian
> Project by actively engaging with interested women and encouraging
> them to become more involved with Debian. http://women.debian.org
> About OpenHatch
> OpenHatch is an open source community aiming to help newcomers find
> their way into free software projects. It works towards this goal
> through on-line and outreach events. This event is a reappropriation
> of the OpenHatch "Build it" events.
> http://openhatch.org/
> *-*-*-*

<taffit> eof: when I want something | "Convince people with results,
done quickly, I don't wait for      |  rather than words"
others ;)                           |  Enrico Zini

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