I love all your feedbacks :-)))

El dl 25 de 04 de 2011 a les 14:16 -0300, en/na Margarita Manterola va
> Hi Monica,
> 2011/4/25 Mònica Ramírez <mon...@probeta.net>:
> > About becoming a DD, I'm not trying to be a DD for two reasons: the
> > first one is that I don't feel sure enough with the required skills,
> I think this is a common issue for us women. The geek feminism wiki
> names this the "Impostor Syndrome" [1].  I guess most of us have felt
> it at some point.  And it's important to fight it when you realize you
> are suffering from it.
> [1]:  http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Impostor_syndrome

Very interesting! But we must be careful not to go to the other side. I
mean we can't think: Ah, I'm a woman so I have very good technical
skills but I don't realise it.

It's good to know your own capabilities, whether you feel as a woman or
as a man... maybe with someone that shakes you a little bit when you
underestimate (or overestimate!) yourself ;-)

> > the second reason is that I'm only maintaining a few packages.
> I checked your qa page [2], and it says that you currently maintain 4
> packages.  Even though this is fairly recent, you might consider
> applying to be a Debian Maintainer [3] soon.
> [2]: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=mon...@probeta.net
> [3]: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer

Thanks for encouraging me! Altough with my mail I wanted to expose my
feelings only as an example, trying to find out what is the general
problem with women.

Because the main problem is that there are so few women interested in
IT: I am a teacher of IT and have about 30 new students each year, only
3/4 are women and 1/2 finish the course. 

In this class maybe 5/7 students will be very interested in Free
software and being optimistic 1/2 of them will collaborate in a

It's very easy to deduce what number of women will be in this last
reduced group :-(

> > Although it
> > would be a honor for me to achieve a DD status, it's not my main
> > ambition. My main ambition is just collaborating in the project, being a
> > DD or not. Maybe other women feel the same.
> Becoming a DD means being able to take part on the course of the
> project, and comes as a natural thing to do once you get involved
> enough in the project.  It's not at all a problem if you don't feel
> interested now (or ever), there's many people that don't really want
> or need that level of commitment.  But at least from my side, I don't
> want anybody to refrain from applying due to being "not good enough".

Interesting point of view. I think I need more time to have more
community involvement (as Mackenzie says).

> > However, I think it's not clear when a person is ready to start this
> > process. If we think women are a little bit shier and unsure in
> > technical issues, it's more difficult that a woman decides to start this
> > process without a bit of encouragement from the community.
> Indeed, as Mackenzie says, this usually becomes a task for the
> sponsor, and it might vary widly depending on what the sponsor thinks.
>  As a rule of thumb, if your sponsor is uploading your packages
> without making any changes to them, you are ready to apply as a DM.
> And after a few months of that, if you feel that you've become deeply
> involved in the development of Debian and want to participate in
> decisions, want to be able to upload NMUs or upload your own new
> packages without going through a sponsor, then it's time to apply as a
> DD.

It would be useful if you could have some examples/tests/exercises/...
(not only for technical skills but also for commitment feelings with the
project) to know if you are ready to go forward...

Mmmm... maybe I'm "too much teacher"! XDD

> > To finalize, one idea: has DW some kind of slides showing the Debian
> > project oriented to encourage women to collaborate? If they exist, it
> > would be nice translating them to different languages. So, all of us
> > could spread them. Maybe some women need a first non-virtual contact to
> > encourage themselves.
> >
> > If these slides don't exist we could mix parts of the presentation made
> > by Miriam Ruiz [0] with DW specific information. What do you think about
> > it?
> I've given the "How to contribute to Debian" [*] talks many times, on
> different contexts.  It's not something specially women oriented, but
> I think it summarizes most of the needed info.  It could be maybe
> merged with Miriam's, to create a DW version of it, *BUT* I'd prefer
> for it to be a wiki or something like that, instead of slides.
> [*] Sometimes also "and Ubuntu" when there are no Ubuntu people in the conf.

I don't know if a traditional wiki would be a good format to do a public
presentation but I just started using ikiwiki and I guess it offers a
lot of possibilities. Maybe something like s5 [0] and put the sources in
a git repo could be another option?


[0] http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/

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