* Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <jord...@octave.org> [2011:04:21 18:59 -0500]: 
> On 21 April 2011 17:18, Tássia Camões <tas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When DW was lauched there was a lot of articles, interviews and talks
> > about it, and now it doesn't seem to be that frequent anymore. The
> > outdated website may also give the impression that the project is
> > inactive. And for example, if we look at past debconfs programs, we
> > don't find that much about DW -- now the call for contributions for
> > debconf11 is already open, it might be a good oportunity for that ;-)
> I am seriously considering going to debconf and I would like to give
> some sort of talk that would rekindle interest in DW... but I think
> the message would be distorted if delivered by a man. I can't think of
> another way to help. Perhaps with technical things like implementing
> the bridge between identi.ca and #debian-women? I might look at that.
> Is anyone offering hosting to run that program?

We do not need your technical help. There are plenty of women on this list who
are technically competent enough to implement the ideas listed so far, but we
are listing them with the hope of getting new *women* involved. You can help by
stepping aside.

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