Hey all, I've been reading the list for a quite longtime and participating from time to time. My question is the following: I'm interested in what people call "community management" (in french, it's better called "animation" :) ). My problem, so to say, is that I'm not a developper and I don't want to become it :)
So, do you think I can help in organizing events and the d-w community itself? I have some experience in organizing events (I've handled the volunteers organization in the two last Ubuntu Parties in Paris and all the talks organization in the last one, November 2009 and May 2010 respectively). 2010/8/28 Stefano Zacchiroli <lea...@debian.org> > [snip] > > I've been thinking that something else that could be done along this > > line would be to encourage (and sponsor) more local/pseudo-local women > > to go to mini-debconfs. I've heard that there are a few mini-debconfs > > coming up in Europe (.fr, .it) and it might be a good idea to choose > > one of them and encourage the women in Europe to go there. > > Absolutely, that totally makes sense as well. It turns out I'm partly > involved in both .fr and .it forthcoming events. For what concerns .it, > it will be a joint Debian/Ubuntu community event and there seems to be > already a d-w/u-w round table organized (Francesca knows probably more > about it than me). > > For what concerns .fr, I'm not aware of any d-w activity planned. If > you're interested in proposing one, a good contact for inquiries is Carl > Chenet <cha...@ohmytux.com>. > That's cool, thanks for the info :) There is FOSDEM as well where many people come. A satellite session d-w and diversity in general can be held. Also, my guess is people know the CCC event in Berlin every year around the new year's eve: on the last one, there were several slots dedicated to women (which were unfortunately women-only and many men did not attend even if they were interested, which is stupid). So maybe we can already join some event like this with a dedicated session. What do you think? > > Yet another possibility would be to do a bigger event, with all the > > rest of women in Free Software groups (Ubuntu, Fedora, Mozilla, GNOME, > > KDE, linuxchix?, etc). This would mean a lot of work in organization > > and the like, but it might be worth it, I'm not sure. > > That's a really intriguing idea too. I'm sure that I personally won't > have the time/energy to organize that, but if d-w wants to do that it > would be great and I'll be happy to give any support Debian can offer. > A lot of work is needed to do this, but why not :D We'll need to identify people who are susceptble to get involved into the organization and to eventually search for funding. What do you think of doing an irc meeting to discuss this? For example, next Wednesday? Cheers, Rayna -- "Change l'ordre du monde plutôt que tes désirs." Membre du CA de l'April - Promouvoir et défendre les logiciels libres ( www.april.org) PhD Student "Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics" Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) of Munich What happens when you've worked too long in the lab : *You wonder what absolute alcohol tastes like with orange juice. *Warning labels invoke curiosity rather than caution. *The Christmas nightout reveals scientists can't dance, although a formula for the movement of hands and feet combined with beats per min is found scrawled on a napkin by a waiter the next day. *When you have twins, you call one of them John and the other - Control.