2008/12/27 Всеволод Величко <torkvem...@nigma.ru>: > Excuse me, you are against sexism, but what you mention is the same - > from the opposite side. That's the same "women's" sexism. If we should > respect women's rights, may be women should do the same? Otherwise it > looks very childish, sorry.
Well, just to make it clear, I totally support Amaya's point of view in this, and I sincerely and heartfully admire and respect her. Please don't take this wrong, but I think that you don't have a clue on what sexism means, and probably what discrimination is either. I won't try to explain it here anyway, even though I'm providing some URLs that might make you think about it, or maybe not, who knows [1] [2] [3] [1] http://livesoftheirown.blogspot.com/2007/05/explaining-feminism-to-people-who-dont.html [2] http://blog.shrub.com/archives/tekanji/2006-03-08_146 [3] http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/category/faq/ Greetings, Miry PS: I've dropped d-devel from the target lists, I'd thank you if you would keep it like this. Thanks.