Em Seg, 2005-08-08 às 16:00 -0400, Christine Spang escreveu:
> Neat! Looks like an article about the session made it into Newsforge[1],
> with both you and DW mentioned. Do we have a press/articles section on
> the site/wiki? Should we?
> Keep us in the loop about the Women in Open Source thing.
> 1. http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/08/08/1449259


I've seen some news in Brasil, too, and one of them had 'only 2% of free
software developers are women'[0] (I think borrowed from computer world)
and witnessed some negative reaction to this study on the local
linuxchix group. 

Danese, do you have pointers for the research which comes to that

Congrats on what seems was a very positive panel!

See ya,

[0]: I could not find the original link where I first saw it, but here's
one of the 'relayers':


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian:  <http://www.debian.org>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org>

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