> I've also joined the list not long ago and could observe the answers for
> the previous survey. It was very educative and made me think more and
> more on getting involved in Debian-connected activities. This time, I
> take part.
Yeah me too, i never even got the original email but i will answer for 
I have no idea who to send this too, so ill send it to the list in hope that 
somebody of relevance sees it.

> My answers inline.
> > Q)  How many of you have actually used an open source Operating System
> > long-term (I mean longer than 5 years)?
Yep,  many more years than 5

> > Q)  Of those of you who have used an OS OpSys more than 5 years -- how
> > many of you have run against the "Unix was designed so that only those
> > that are truly interested in success using Unix will find a way to
> > become successful with Unix" mentality?
It is the norm isnt it?

> > Q)  Of those of you who have used Unix/Linux more than 5 years how
> > many have built (or installed) Unix/Linux on more than 2
> > architectures?
Yes, about 5 at least
> > Q) How many list members are (check/indicate as many as you like) -
> >  1)  Programmers
> >  2)  Systems Administrators
> >  3)  actually working within the I/T realm at your respective companies.
All of the above

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