----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karianne Grønningsæter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian-Women" <debian-women@lists.debian.org>
Sent: 29. november 2004 18:46
Subject: Re: Survey - what do you want out of this?

> Here's by method "remove wrong statements" ;-)
>> 1)  What would you personally most like to get out of the Debian Women 
>> project?
>>  a) more knowledge about how to use Debian
>>  e) other?  Please elaborate:
> Development of more women-friendly software (if there are such things, I 
> think so. What does women need/want)
>> 2)  How can the Debian Women project best help you gain more knowledge 
>> about using Debian?
>>  a) holding "tutorial" discussions on the mailing list or on the wiki
>>  b) enabling you to ask people directly on IRC
>>  c) informing you about where to access relevant documentation
> Do I have to choose? b, c, a in a prioritized order
>> 3)  How can the Debian Women project best help you to contribute more to 
>> Debian?
>>  a) holding "tutorial" discussions on the mailing list or on the wiki
>>  b) enabling you to ask people directly on IRC
>>  c) informing you about where to access relevant documentation
>>  d) other?  Please elaborate.
> What about some kind of  "personal guides" (of volunteers, of course) for 
> new people who wants to contribute? Else, I think all of the above is 
> relevant.
>> 4)  How can the Debian Women project best help you to gain social benfits 
>> from meeting the people involved?
>>   a) allowing you to talk to people on the IRC channel
>>   b) enabling discussions on the mailing list
>>   c) organising in person meetings as part of larger linux/debian events
> Yes
>> 5)  How can the Debian Women project best help you to help others (and 
>> hopefully benefit yourself and/or Debian in the process)?
>>  a) encouraging people to ask questions on IRC
>>  b) encouraging people to ask questions on the mailing list
> I don't really feel involved on that level yet, though I'm mostly 
> available on IRC and mail, and would help anyone if I am able to.
>> 6)  Are problems with language preventing you from becoming more involved 
>> with Debian Women?
> No, but I would like to know more about and maybe involve in Norwegian 
> translations
> -Simira

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