Hi Everyone,

I'm thinking again about our next IRC meeting, to be held on 18th December
(see http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2004/11/msg00027.html for what details exist at this time).

At the last meeting we covered the "who we are and what do we like about the Debian Women project" topics quite well, I thought. Next time, we are planning to skip the formal intros (which took quite a long time) in favour of an informal "meet and greet" period for the hour before the actual meeting. Everyone, especially new people, will be very welcome to join IRC and introduce themselves in that period.

The question of what things we want to get out of the Debian Women project and how can we achieve those things is a complex one. We started on that at the last meeting, discussing options for greater involvement of Spanish speakers and ways of promoting the Debian Women project and Debian in general, among other things. But it's going to take more than one meeting to get a good understanding of all the issues. I thought that I would try to get a short survey of people's thoughts on the following quick questions, to try to get an idea of the most important issues for the people on this mailing list. That way we will have a better idea of what people would really like to talk about :)

So, please, reply to this (on-list or off-list, as you prefer) and answer the following. I'll collate the answers I get and post the results to the list.

This is meant to be multiple choice, to make it easier :) I know it's not anything like an exhaustive list - just what springs to mind immediately. If there are major things missing, please let us know what you think about that.

1)  What would you personally most like to get out of the Debian Women project?

 a) more knowledge about how to use Debian
 b) more interaction with or contribution to Debian
 c) social benefits from meeting the people involved in Debian Women
d) benefits (to yourself or to Debian) from you helping other people who are involved in Debian Women
 e) other?  Please elaborate.

2) How can the Debian Women project best help you gain more knowledge about using Debian?

 a) holding "tutorial" discussions on the mailing list or on the wiki
 b) enabling you to ask people directly on IRC
 c) informing you about where to access relevant documentation
 d) other?  Please elaborate.

3) How can the Debian Women project best help you to contribute more to Debian?

 a) holding "tutorial" discussions on the mailing list or on the wiki
 b) enabling you to ask people directly on IRC
 c) informing you about where to access relevant documentation
 d) other?  Please elaborate.

4) How can the Debian Women project best help you to gain social benfits from meeting the people involved?

  a) allowing you to talk to people on the IRC channel
  b) enabling discussions on the mailing list
  c) organising in person meetings as part of larger linux/debian events
  d) other?  Please elaborate.

5) How can the Debian Women project best help you to help others (and hopefully benefit yourself and/or Debian in the process)?

 a) encouraging people to ask questions on IRC
 b) encouraging people to ask questions on the mailing list
 c) allowing you to post helpful information to the wiki or webpage
d) increasing the amount of cooperation or collaboration between Debian Women and other groups in Debian (eg debian-mentors)
 d) other?  Please elaborate.

6) Are problems with language preventing you from becoming more involved with Debian Women?

    If so, what non-English language would you prefer to to use?

7)  Anything else you would like to say that I have missed.

It would be great to get a lot of responses to this, so we can form a better idea of how to best meet the needs or wishes of the most people :)


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