Hello Anja and *, 

I am nativ german (adoptiv parents) speaker but speak french, english,
turkish and some other languages too...

As you can see, my ICQ is in my signature and in the last 3-4 month I
was contacted by more then 60 women, which speak only french or german.

Curently I have some problems to get my Website Up and running, because
I was hacked and in the same time my two harddisks and a 3w6507 was died.

So my network is 50% restored but my  Debian Website on 
<http://www.debian.tamay-dogan.homelinux.net/> is offline. 

Curently I am looking for money (I am handicaped and jobless) to setup
my own Domainname and I like to create a multi-lingual support group. 
with a Mailinglist.

Meaning, english, french, german and turkish are welcome. 
Maybe in one year arabic and farsi too (I am learning) :-/

But now, I do not know exactly how to start...

from Strasbourg

Am 2004-11-26 21:57:31, schrieb Anja:
> [versión en español más abajo]
> Hi all!
> The #debian-women channel and everyone in the debian-women project are very 
> friendly to new people, but unfortunately there is a big problem for people 
> whose mother tongue is not english.

> We made a spanish channel because there are a lot of people in the project 
> that are spanish speakers.  Personally I think this idea could be useful 
> with other languages too.
>  Anja

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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