Coming back to topic...
In IRC I was asked to add the Glossary of terms to the dictionary.
So here are the new files created from Source dictionary list:
With German translations:
I'd consider to make some changes to the program creating the
dictionaries. as the English description is in the German dictionary,
too - which was okay only for the acronyms, I think.
To add the dictionaries to your dictd sources, you will have to fetch
both: dictionary file and index file. Copy them to /usr/share/dictd/.
If you did not have a prior version of the files, you will have to make
the dictionary available to dictd by starting "dictdconfig -w" and
restart of dictd by "/etc/init.d/dictd restart". After that you should
get access with "dict -d debian term" - e.g.. "dict -d debian
Advocate". If you do not have more dictionaries installed, you may
leave out "-d debian".
I consider the following for the future:
dividing the dictionary in glossary and foreign language dictionaries
as I did for our (non-commercial) contax-users.de photo dictionary. On
the web pages then the translations and terms will be linked to the
glossaries in the same language. Her is a link to that still incomplete
dictionary, but you may get an impression of what I am talking of:
http://www.contax-users.de/woerterbuch.e-d.xml . The source for that
dictionary consists of two files: Translations and Glossary - both in
any alphabetical order. Out of those simple "::" divided list of pairs,
the pages are created automatically, including links from dictionary to
glossary and alphabetical order. To get an English glossary, a third
file would be to add there.
Hmm... I'll do a revised version of the program today in the evening,
so we can get multiple language glossaries and dictionaries and keep
them in sync.