On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 12:22:40PM +0200, Javier Candeira wrote:
> Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> >You have skipped lots of them. And many which I don't find are truly 
> >offensive and I have actually kept those in fortunes and not moved them 
> Could you please provide three new quotes that you think were misidentified 
> so I can explain why I did include them?

Sure, I did that in my last message but deleted it because I didn't want to 
go into a lengthy (and sterile) discussion, but here you go. Pray tell me 
how you feel these are offensive:

El hogar es un santuario doméstico, en el que la mujer cumple el papel
de sacerdotisa.
                -- Juana Manuela Gorriti. (1819-????) Escritora argentina.
En cuanto se concede a la mujer la igualdad con el hombre, se vuelve
superior a él.
                -- Margaret Thatcher. (1925-) Ex-primer ministro de Inglaterra.
Aunque las mujeres no somos buenas para el consejo, alguna veces
                -- Santa Teresa de Jesús. (1515-1582) Religiosa y escritora
                mística española.
En ningún momento he dudado que las mujeres son tontas. Al fin y al cabo
el Todopoderoso las creó a imagen y semejanza de los hombres.
                -- Mary Anne Evans 'George Elliot'. (1819-1880) Novelista
Los hombres engañan más que las mujeres; las mujeres, mejor.
                -- Joaquin Sabina. Cantautor español.
El peor enemigo de las mujeres es su abnegación.
                -- Betty Friedan.
Una mujer incomprendida es una mujer que no comprende a los demás.
                -- Isabel de Rumania. (Carmen Sylva). (1843-1916) Escritora y
               Reina de Rumania.
A la sombra de un hombre célebre, hay siempre una mujer que sufre.
                -- Jules Renard.
Yo amo a los hombres no porque son hombres, sino porque no son mujeres.
                -- Cristina de Suecia. (1626-1689) Reina de Suecia.
Cualquier mujer que aspire a comportarse como un hombre, seguro que
carece de ambición.
                -- Dorothy Parker.
La mujer actual tiene una obsesion por ser igual que el hombre, y no se
por qué, si el hombre es un pobre diablo desorientado.
                -- Antonio López.

The funny thing is, many of these celebrity quotes are written by women. 
Moreover, most of them are ironic and hardly offensive to women (at least
not to my dear wife). If you want to discuss quote by quote fine, but
please do it outside the bug report (preferably in the 'debian-women'
list?) and open a new bug pointing out the quotes you all feel offensive
PGP-signed by at least 5 women Debian developers.

> Also, you have not acknowledged or denied the rationale for the inclusion 
> in the list of "tu mujer me ama" and "el amor de la mujer casada" (they are 
> mysoginistic because they continue the trend of "all married women are 
> adulteressess because women are duplicitous and treacherous".

I've never seen the trend that you see (that's a strange cliché I've never
heard of before) and I rather not go into that discussion. I wouldn't care
less if the quote said "Smile, your husband loves me" and I would gladly
include both a women and a man oriented quote in these cases. Feel free to
provide a patch.

As for all the camioneros quotes, I moved them over with little review into 
the offensive side. After all truck drivers are not know for their 
eloquence or their good manners when speaking (hey! another cliché!)

> Yep, it does look like this package needs a better upstream ;)

There is no upstream. This is a Debian-only package.



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