On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 02:47:26PM +0200, Javier Candeira wrote:
> I agree with you that reviewing 1.14 MB of text (in a way that cannot be 
> automated) is not for the faint of heart, but I assume there are two ways 
> to fix this:
> a) Those of us who want to contribute to Debian but are not too technical 
> find some joy in being able to provide patches, and actively do a review 
> and triage of all fortune-es files. This is the "proactive" method.

And that's the only one that will work in the end. If you want to fix this 
properly, I suggest you take the task of reviewing those by hand (and not 
through grep)

> >You seem to have just grepped for 'mujer' and have reported all the 
> >evidences of those fortunes without review.
> Not quite. Compare the result "grep "mujer" /etc/share/games/fortunes/*" 
> with what I sent to the bug report and you will see I did edit the list 
> down quite a bit. Might have skipped some, true... but not these two.

You have skipped lots of them. And many which I don't find are truly 
offensive and I have actually kept those in fortunes and not moved them 
over to fortunes-es-off. Others are welcome to do a more in depth review 
and provide the list of those which they do find offensive accompanied 
with a proper explanation for each and everyone of those.

> Previously we had simply deleted "fortunes-camioneros", but this time we 
> figured that fixing the package fortune-es upstream was better a better 
> once-and-for-all measure.

Yes, next time bring that up here to get those issues solved for everybody
and not just for yourselves. That's how free software works :-)

> PS Crossposted to the debian-women list and also to the barrapunto-editores 
> list. Please advise if this is not correct etiquette.

I'm not sure if it's correct etiquette, but I'm quite sure it will make a 
lot of noise.

Actually, it would be best if people, instead of feeding the BTS with noise
would make an effort provide proper "good quality" quotes for the
fortunes-es package. That would make a difference and be a real benefit for
end users.



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