On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:26:37AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Alexander Sack <a...@debian.org> [2009.07.22.1050 +0200]:
> > Here the latest and greatest (though i guess we will get 0.40 in a
> > week ;)).
> > 
> > http://people.debian.org/~asac/connman/connman_0.30+git.1.5b69740e1+dfsg-1.dsc
> Let's get it through NEW first.
> A few comments. Note that I am neither a mentor for you, nor someone
> who imposes preferences through sponsorship, but I do like to put
> care into packages. Thus, the following comments are not criticisms
> and "because that's how I do things" is an acceptable answer in all
> cases.

That's ok. I could definitly be more loving about packaging details
:). However, suggestions welcome!

> - /usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient* should really go to /usr/share,
>   don't you think?

Yes, thats probably the accurate place to ship it, but i never saw the
point for going through maintenance overhead if the amount of files
isn't significant enough and they are not shipped in an arch all
-common package at all.

> - any reason you didn't use debhelper to install/remove/invoke the
>   initrd scripts?

Out of habits I would think. Also I felt more comfortable to implement
what it does than to buy some magic.

> - Is it intentional that you have Debian/Ubuntu addresses as
>   maintainer/uploader?

That's basically a work vs. spare time conflict I try to avoid. Most
time I put into connman is done during my worktime so I decided to
keep the credits there.

> - http://moblin.org/projects/connection-manager is the homepage, not
>   just moblin.org, right?

You are absolutely right. When i started this package there was no
real clear direction upstream and they changed their homepage a few
times now. The new and hopefully final homepage is

Filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/402998

> - Is there a Vcs-Browser?

ATM, you should be able to just go to the Vcs-Bzr location with a
browser. You can use the same url for branching and the web. Anyway, I
will think about splitting it up in future.

Filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/402999

> - does the short description have to mention Intel?
> - I'd change the capitalisation.
> - Maybe the long description could be rephrased to be a little bit
>   more Debian-centric? After all, this is for Debian/Ubuntu, not
>   Moblin, right?

I used the description published by Moblin at the time I did the
initial package. This has changed now so we could update short and
long description based on what is on connman.net. I don't consider
myself an outstanding package description author, so please go ahead
and submit text snippets suitable; but dont go for a too debian/ubuntu
centric approach as there are more unnamed downstreams that might want
to reuse our package description. ;).

Filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/403001

> - The Standards-Version is up to 3.8.2 I think.

Right, I am usually lame about standard versions.

> - nice work on debian/copyright. I still prefer the old format, but
>   I can see how this is beneficial.
> - How does your version numbering scheme work? 0.30+git.1.5b69740e1
>   Have you considered just using the git-describe output, like I did
>   e.g. for mdadm: 3.0~devel3-43-g2800528-1

the used scheme is basically implemented in debian/rules ... it allows
you to do snapshots and tags. We use some variant of that approach in
other packages as well. I haven't checked git-describe, but I am not
sure how feasible that is as we regularly package up git snapshots
that have no tags.

> I'll upload tonight, whether I hear from you or not.


 - Alexander

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