also sprach Alexander Sack <> [2009.07.22.1050 +0200]:
> Here the latest and greatest (though i guess we will get 0.40 in a
> week ;)).

Let's get it through NEW first.

A few comments. Note that I am neither a mentor for you, nor someone
who imposes preferences through sponsorship, but I do like to put
care into packages. Thus, the following comments are not criticisms
and "because that's how I do things" is an acceptable answer in all

- /usr/lib/connman/scripts/dhclient* should really go to /usr/share,
  don't you think?

- any reason you didn't use debhelper to install/remove/invoke the
  initrd scripts?

- Is it intentional that you have Debian/Ubuntu addresses as

- is the homepage, not
  just, right?

- Is there a Vcs-Browser?

- does the short description have to mention Intel?

- I'd change the capitalisation.

- Maybe the long description could be rephrased to be a little bit
  more Debian-centric? After all, this is for Debian/Ubuntu, not
  Moblin, right?

- The Standards-Version is up to 3.8.2 I think.

- nice work on debian/copyright. I still prefer the old format, but
  I can see how this is beneficial.

- How does your version numbering scheme work? 0.30+git.1.5b69740e1
  Have you considered just using the git-describe output, like I did
  e.g. for mdadm: 3.0~devel3-43-g2800528-1

I'll upload tonight, whether I hear from you or not.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"licht wird alles, was ich fasse"
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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