Hi there, I'm downloading the 1.17 etch packages and will give them a try. If the texture issues still arise, I'll upload a screenshot. Anyway, when I tested it, I also used cafuego's packages (for Ubuntu) just to see if it was a problem there too, but it wasn't...
OK, testing now the new packages. The rendering problem still happens. Also, it seems that I stopped being able to teleport to any place... That didn't happen with the previous version! Here's the screenshot of the rendering problem: http://beta.zooomr.com/photos/mindboosternoori/2434491/ Paul: I'm not really sure in what can I help, but I'll gladly help if I can. For now, the only things I can think of is posting here on this bug a comment everytime a new version comes out, and keep testing the packages. The only machine I have that could be use for helping on this package is an i386 etch, but packages for that are already being taken care of (and well) by Rainer... But if there's something both of you think that I could help, just tell me. Also, I would like for you to CC me on issues regarding this bug, 'cause like Rainer I'm not getting the replies... Another thing: what about using https://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss and parse it though Yahoo! Pipes or something like that to get only the recent changes on the "Download Source" page? In that way we could get an RSS feed for each new source version of SL... What do you think about it? -- Marcos Marado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sonaecom ISP $ perl ''=~('(?{'.('^)@@*@'^'.[).^`').'"'.('`@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]//[*;)@`//)@|'^'-).[`<@@(^^[`.@@[)^').',$/})') ^Z