On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 23:06 +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 12:27:11AM +1200, Matt Brown wrote:
> > I notice that you have the phpwiki packages marked as up for adoption
> > and was wondering if this request was still current?
> Indeed.  I have, in fact, completely orphaned PHPWiki, as I no longer have
> any PHPWiki sites running myself, and I'm time-poor for personal interest
> packages.


> > As I'm not yet a debian developer I would need a sponsor if I was to
> > adopt the phpwiki package. Would you be willing to sponsor me, or
> > perhaps stay on as a co-maintainer until I have the package firmly under
> > control?
> I'm happy to act as a sponsor and mentor for you while you get up to speed
> with the package.  I don't think there's much point in making me a
> co-maintainer; I seriously doubt I'll have any practical input as a
> co-maintainer.

Sounds fine, although I notice that I may have already been beaten to
the mark. David Moreno Garza has filed an ITA 5 days ago. 

CCing the bug. David, would you be interested in co-maintaining this


Matt Brown
Mob +64 275 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz

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