Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Simon Josefsson <>

* Package name    : gnupg24
  Version         : 2.4.7
  Upstream Author : Werner Koch, et al
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : GNU Privacy Guard, a LibrePGP implementation

The intent with this package is to provide a LibrePGP-compliant variant
of GnuPG in Debian.

Packaging is based on the 'gnupg2' source package from experimental, and
will be maintained here:

The idea is to minimize the existing packaging into the most minimal set
of binary packages required to support a more upstream-like GnuPG 2.4.x
experience in Debian.

Hopefully only two new binary packages called 'gpg24' and 'gpgv24' will
be needed.

I am hoping that most of the auxilliary packages like scdaemon does not
need to be provided by this source package, but can be shared with the
GnuPG/FreePG variant already packaged in Debian in the 'gnupg2' source


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