Messages by Thread
Bug#1093562: O: pam-session-timelimit -- PAM module to permit configuring time limits for user sessions
Colin Watson
Bug#1093561: O: libdbd-sybase-perl -- Sybase/MS SQL database driver for the DBI module
Colin Watson
Bug#995670: updates
nick black
Processed: RFS: vifm/0.13-1 -- Flexible vi-like file manager using ncurses
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#888981: #888981
Kirill Rekhov
Bug#1057958: #1057958
Kirill Rekhov
Bug#1093522: O: libmygpo-qt -- mygpo-qt library
Thomas Pierson
Bug#1093521: O: kup-backup -- a backup tool for KDE's Plasma desktop
Thomas Pierson
Bug#1093519: O: kdsoap -- Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
Thomas Pierson
Bug#1093465: ITP: python-zopfli -- cPython bindings for zopfli
Boyuan Yang
Bug#908765: node-babel7 appears to have some of the dependencies?
Jeffrey Cliff
Bug#1085481: marked as done (ITP: sptlrx -- Synchronized lyrics in your terminal)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1085854: marked as done (ITP: sigstore-go -- Go library for Sigstore signing and verification)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1031634: marked as done (ITP: gum -- A tool for glamourous shell scripts)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093427: ITP: td1.8.11 -- telegram database library (development headers, API/ABI v1.8.11)
Mike Gabriel
Processed: ITP: r-cran-s7 -- An Object Oriented System Successor to S3 and S4
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093424: ITP: r-cran-s7 -- An Object Oriented System Successor to S3 and S4
Michael R. Crusoe
Processed: retitle 1093417 to ITP: getquotes -- simple CLI tool to get quotes in your terminal using WikiQuotes
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1076668: marked as done (ITP: shotman -- The uncompromising screenshot GUI for Wayland compositors)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1086057: marked as done (ITP: powerline-go -- A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093417: (no subject)
Processed: Re: Processed: Re: ITP: mage -- a Make/rake-like dev tool using Go
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1055618: marked as done (RFA: python-libconf -- Python libconfig implementation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug#1055618 marked as pending in python-libconf
Debian Bug Tracking System
Maytham Alsudany
Bug#1093400: RFH: cryfs -- encrypt your files and store them in the cloud (popcon 20k)
David Steele
Bug#1031535: marked as done (ITP: monitoring-plugins-check-oracle-health -- Nagios plugin check_oracle_health)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093379: ITP: golang-github-santhosh-tekuri-jsonschema -- JSONSchema Validation using Go
Simon Josefsson
Bug#763199: marked as done (ITP: libpdl-fftw3-perl -- PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West v3)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1082948: marked as done (ITP: signxml -- Python library for the W3C XSML signature standard)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093319: ITP: golang-github-go-http-utils-headers -- HTTP header constants for Gophers (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093317: ITP: golang-github-saracen-fastzip -- opinionated Zip archiver with a focus on speed (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093316: ITP: golang-github-saracen-zipextra -- utils for ZIP archive format's "Extra Fields" (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093313: ITP: golang-gitlab-gitlab-org-fleeting-fleeting -- abstraction for cloud providers' instance groups for GitLab
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093309: ITP: golang-github-sourcegraph-conc -- Better structured concurrency for go
Simon Josefsson
Processed: Re: ITP: mage -- a Make/rake-like dev tool using Go
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: ITP: mage -- a Make/rake-like dev tool using Go
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093302: ITP: mage -- a Make/rake-like dev tool using Go
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093298: ITP: golang-github-denisbrodbeck-machineid -- Get the unique machine id of any host
Simon Josefsson
Processed: block 1090282 with 1078734
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1059665: marked as done (ITP: pandoc-filter-diagram -- Pandoc filter to render diagrams in Markdown code sections as SVG)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093280: ITP: pysequoia -- OpenPGP in Python using Sequoia PGP
Jelmer Vernooij
Bug#763199: Reopen, change to ITP
Ed .
Bug#1093266: ITP: golang-github-owenrumney-go-sarif -- Sarif: Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093262: ITP: golang-github-spdx-tools-golang -- Collection of Go packages to work with SPDX files
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093261: ITP: golang-github-anchore-go-struct-converter -- help migrate between different versioned Go structs (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093259: ITP: golang-github-spdx-gordf -- parse RDF files using RDF/XML format (Go library)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093260: ITP: golang-github-kimmachinegun-automemlimit -- Automatically set GOMEMLIMIT to match Linux cgroups(7) memory limit
Daniel Swarbrick
Bug#1093257: ITP: golang-github-edwarnicke-gitoid -- Golang libraries for computing git object ids (gitoids)
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093255: RFP: beszel -- lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts
Francois Marier
Bug#1051532: O: smuxi -- flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client
Antoine Le Gonidec
Bug#1093252: ITP: witness -- pluggable framework for software supply chain risk management
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093250: ITP: golang-github-invopop-jsonschema -- Generate JSON Schemas from Go types
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093249: ITP: golang-github-wk8-go-ordered-map -- Optimal implementation of ordered maps for Golang
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093248: ITP: golang-github-bahlo-generic-list-go -- Go container/list but with generics
Simon Josefsson
Bug#941704: IFP: openrdap -- command line RDAP client
Antoine Beaupré
Bug#1093226: ITP: golang-github-coder-quartz -- A Go time testing library for writing deterministic unit tests
Daniel Swarbrick
Bug#1093223: RFH: tbsync -- Thunderbird/Lightning Add-On to support MS Exchange Calendar etc.
Mechtilde Stehmann
Processed: retitle 941704 to ITP: openrdap -- command line RDAP clien, owner 941704
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093218: ITP: image-garden -- tool for creating test virtual machines
Zygmunt Krynicki
Bug#1093213: ITP: teakra -- DSi/3DS DSP emulator, (dis)assembler, and tester
Andrea Pappacoda
Bug#1012472: Retitle bug to ITA: emacs-neotree -- directory tree sidebar for Emacs
Leonardo Rodrigues Pereira
Bug#1093182: ITP: libpdl-transform-proj4-perl -- PDL::Transform interface to the PROJ library
Ed J
Bug#763199: marked as done (RFP: libpdl-fftw3-perl -- PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West v3)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#763203: marked as done (RFP: libpdl-graphics-plplot-perl -- PDL::Graphics::PLplot - Object-oriented interface from perl/PDL to the PLPLOT plotting library)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093181: ITP: libpdl-transform-color-perl -- Useful color system conversions for PDL
Ed J
Bug#1093180: ITP: libpdl-io-gd-perl -- PDL interface to the GD image library
Ed J
Bug#1093185: ITP: libpdl-graphics-trid-perl -- PDL 3D interface
Ed J
Bug#1093186: ITP: libpdl-io-hdf-perl -- PDL interface to read and write HDF4 files with the SD, VS, and V interfaces.
Ed J
Bug#1093184: ITP: libpdl-io-idl-perl -- Read IDL(tm) data files into PDL
Ed J
Bug#1093183: ITP: libpdl-opt-simplex-perl -- PDL implementation of simplex optimization algorithm
Ed J
Bug#1093179: ITP: libpdl-perldl2-perl -- Simple shell (version 2) for PDL using Devel::REPL
Ed J
Bug#1093178: ITP: libpdl-io-envi-perl -- Read ENVI data into PDL
Ed J
Bug#1093177: ITP: libpdl-gsl-perl -- PDL interface to the GNU Scientific Library
Ed J
Bug#1093176: ITP: libpdl-io-dicom-perl -- Read 16-bit gray level Dicom images into PDL.
Ed J
Bug#1093174: ITP: libpdl-graphics-simple-perl -- Simple backend-independent plotting for PDL
Ed J
Processed: submitter 1093172, submitter 1093168
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1010868: RFP: dovecot-fts-flatcurve
Michael Tokarev
Bug#1093172: ITP: libpdl-graphics-colorspace-perl -- PDL implementation of Graphics::ColorObject
Ed J
Bug#1093168: ITP: libpdl-fit-perl -- Fitting functions for PDL.
Ed J
Bug#978755: marked as done (RFH: courier -- Courier mail server)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1093150: ITP: python-opensky -- Asynchronous client for accessing OpenSky API for global aircraft data
Edward Betts
Bug#1093128: ITP: rust-cargo-vendor-filterer -- `cargo vendor`, but with filtering for platforms and more
Julian Andres Klode
Bug#1050348: ITP: melonds -- nintendo DS emulator
Andrea Pappacoda
Bug#995670: zig packages available
nick black
Bug#1093076: ITP: openvino -- open-source toolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference
M. Zhou
Bug#1093050: ITP: acstore -- Attribute Container store access library
Hilko Bengen
Bug#1093026: ITP: gnupg24 -- GNU Privacy Guard, a LibrePGP implementation
Simon Josefsson
Bug#1093005: RFP: pprintpp -- A drop-in replacement for pprint that's actually pretty
Elena ``of Valhalla''
Processed: blockers
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: unarchiving 1012286, forcibly merging 995670 1092895
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed (with 1 error): reopening 1092895, forcibly merging 995670 1092895
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#995670: blocks
nick black
Bug#1078554: marked as done (ITP: guile-commonmark -- module to parse CommonMark documents, a fully specified Mardkdown variant)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1092958: ITP: llm-ollama -- LLM plugin providing access to models running on an Ollama server
Antoine Beaupre
Bug#1075810: marked as done (ITP: psrecord -- A small utility that records the CPU and memory activity of a process. Can also output results to a plot.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1052319: marked as done (ITP: rust-analyzer -- LSP server for Rust)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1057301: marked as done (ITP: swayosd -- osd window for volume and brightness)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#760834: marked as done (RFP: jackson-parent -- Jackson parent pom)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1092942: ITP: lomiri-printing-app -- Printing app which consumes a PDF from content hub
Mike Gabriel
Processed: New upstream version of felix-framework is blocked by new dependency: libmoditect-java
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1092926: ITP: pysensibo -- Library for interfacing with Sensibo air conditioning controllers
Edward Betts
Bug#1092925: RFP: libmoditect-java -- Tooling for the Java Module System
Andreas Tille
Bug#1092919: RFP: vaults -- Vaults lets you create encrypted vaults in which you can safely store files. It uses gocryptfs and CryFS for encryption.
Processed: retitle 1092863 to ITP: opaque-store -- store encrypted blobs of information online, protected by a password using the OPAQUE protocol ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1092911: O: printer-driver-oki -- printer driver for OKI Data printers
Bálint Réczey
Bug#1092897: ITP: python-onnxscript -- naturally author ONNX functions and models using a subset of Python
M. Zhou
Processed: ITP: zig -- Imperative programming language easily mixed with C
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1092895: ITP: zig -- Imperative programming language easily mixed with C
Nick Black (Public gmail account)