Hi Kip, Am Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 11:15:35AM -0800 schrieb Kip Warner: > > However, I wonder whether it would be even less work for you to > > simply care for updating the salsa repository and ask me for > > sponsering the package from there to establish some co-maintenance. > > The problem is that my packaging kung-fu is not as strong as Paul's (or > probably yours either). I can package things I need for personal or > work use relatively well, but I don't know whether it would actually > meet DPM quality controls. I'm probably the wrong person to ask.
May be you want to look here: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/MoM/-/wikis/home I'm fine to teach you about packaging and make an exemption from the requirement that it needs to be Debian Med related. Moreover the packaging itself is just done. In principle you just need to clone the repository and run sudo apt install routine-update routine-update on it and test the result - if it works ping me. I think the technical knowledge you need to setup a PPA is higher than this. Kind regards Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de