On Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 11:04:37PM -0400, Joseph Nahmias wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Joseph Nahmias <j...@nahmias.net>
> * Package name    : metakernel
>   Version         : 0.27.0
>   Upstream Author : Metakernel Development Team
> * URL             : https://github.com/Calysto/metakernel
> * License         : BSD
>   Programming Lang: Python
>   Description     : Jupyter kernel base class
> Metakernel is a Jupyter kernel base class in Python which includes core magic
> functions (including help, command and file path completion, parallel and
> distributed processing, downloads, and much more).
> It is used by numerous other kernels for Jupyter, including for my purposes 
> the
> octave kernel.
> Happy to have co-maintainers and/or place it under the rubric of the Debian 
> Python team.
Glad to have more bits of the jupyter ecosystem available. I'd be
willing to be listed as a co-maintainer/uploader for this package
(context: I [co-]maintain some of the jupyter core libraries and
notebook). I experimented with a personal build of this library (+
octave_kernel) in the past, but my octave knowledge wasn't good enough
to actually use it enough to be confident it was useful.
The core libraries are all team-maintained with the debian-python team;
the R kernel (r-cran-irkernel) is also available, under pkg-r-team.

> --Joe


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