Hi Nik,

On  Do 02 Jun 2016 23:02:09 CEST, Dominik George wrote:


Ack. Please give a short reason in debian/changelog for closing those
bugs, then: e.g.

   - Using VNC as backend is discouraged nowadays and xrdpxorg (or
what's its name) supercedes that VNC backend. Thus closing bug related
to VNC as xrdp backend. (Closes: #1, #2, #3, #4...).


There are some notes from Andreas and you in the changelog. I think they are
irrelevant for the public. Can I drop them?


If your changes supercede all our changes to the package, then you should keep the most recent information.


  DD 1 adds: debian/control: Bump Standards: to 3.9.7.
  DD 2 adds: debian/control: Bump Standards: to 3.9.8.

  -> drop changelog line for DD 1.

But if any of Andreas's or my changes are still visible in the pkg, then you should leave them in debian/changelog.


  The debian/copyright.in was added by me, you did not update it, I guess.

  -> So you leave it under my name.

The debian/changelog is not only for the user. It is also for other DDs, bug hunters and such folks. So technical information should be kept, also for the non-technical public.



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
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