Hi Nik, On Do 02 Jun 2016 01:20:00 CEST, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Dominik, On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 12:44:18AM +0200, Dominik George wrote:newest version is in collab-maint, issues seem to be resolved. Please test, and, if satisfied, feel free to upload ;).Very good. Unfortunately I can not test before next Monday. Mike if you can run a test and upload this would be great. Kind regards Andreas.
I just took a look and we are nearly there!!! The last beast is debian/copyright IMHO. What you do at the top of debian/copyright is this: ``` Files: * Copyright: 2003-2015, Jay Sorg License: Apache-2.0 ```This actually white-lists all files as Apache-2.0 with the given copyright holder except the files explicitly mentioned further down.
Such a placeholder block covering for all files is ok, if it is correct.But, well, it is not: e.g. common/fifo.c. That file is not mentioned further below in debian/copyright, and it has another copyright holder as given in the top placeholder statement.
(Personally, I think that file lines with placeholders are a very bad idea over all, because you cannot use lintian to track additions and removals of files in later upstream releases).
...So, I presume, there are more such issues in debian/copyright. (I did not bother looking any further.)
... What I did instead ist this: o generate a debian/copyright.in file with this [1] one-liner (requires pkgs licensecheck and cdbs installed) o fix the current debian/copyright layout (see my commit on that) Both commits have been pushed to Git. As a training task, please do this: o remove the above quoted placeholder white-list block o run debuild -uc -us -S -Zxz and let lintian provide you with files not mentioned anymore in debian/copyright o go over the debian/copyright.in and merge information from there into debian/copyright o run debuild -uc -us -S -Zxz and let lintian provide you with files _still_ not mentioned in debian/copyright o add those remaining files manuallyThis is hard work and unfortunately daily business of a DD (which you will probably gonna be some day).
Thanks for all your work on this!!! Mike[1] licensecheck --copyright -r `find * -type f` | /usr/lib/cdbs/licensecheck2dep5 > debian/copyright.in
-- DAS-NETZWERKTEAM mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148 landline: +49 (4354) 8390 139 GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31 mail: mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de freeBusy: https://mail.das-netzwerkteam.de/mailxchange/kronolith/fb.php?u=m.gabriel%40das-netzwerkteam.de
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