Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name : python-pyorick
  Version : 1.4
  Upstream Author : Dave Munro
* URL :
* License : BSD 2-Clause
  Description :
    The pyorick package starts yorick as a subprocess and provides an
    interface between python and yorick interpreted code.


      + exec or eval arbitrary yorick code strings
      + get or set yorick variables
      + call yorick functions or subroutines with python arguments
      + get or set slices of large yorick arrays
      + terminal mode to interact with yorick by keyboard through python

    Most of the data is exchanged via binary pipes between the two
    interpreters. Yorick runs in a request-reply mode. Python prints
    anything yorick sends to stdout or stderr except prompts.

    The package yorick-yutils contains an interface (pyk.i) which
    allows the reverse: controlling Python from Yorick. The pyk.i
    approach however suffers from severe limitations (most notably,
    all data are sent via textual representations).

    The yorick-svipc and python(3)-svipc packages allow exchanging data
    between the two interpreters using shared memory. While not as
    straightforward to use as this package, the shared memory approach
    may avoid data duplication and can be used together with this

The package will be hosted under the Debian Science umbrella, like the
rest of the Yorick stack.

Kind regards, Thibaut.

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