Dear OCaml maintainers,

I am looking for sponsors for ocp-indent which I packaged and uploaded it here:

dget -u

I'm sorry that it's not on but after an initial upload
failure I was unable to upload that package again.

Quoting Johannes Schauer (2014-01-18 11:41:21)
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Johannes Schauer <>
> * Package name    : ocp-indent
>   Version         : 1.4.1
>   Upstream Author : Thomas Gazagnaire, Fabrice Le Fessant
> * URL             :
> * License         : LGPL-3 with OCaml linking exception
>   Programming Lang: OCaml
>   Description     : OCaml indentation tool for emacs and vim
> ocp-indent is a command-line tool that allows one to indent a whole OCaml
> source code file (or parts of it) either to standard output or in-place.
> A configuration file allows user defaults as well as per-project parameters.
> The ratio of correctly indented lines is comparable with emacs tuareg mode
> while being an order of magnitude faster.

Thanks for your consideration!

cheers, josch

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