On 10/31/2013 07:37 PM, Keith Packard wrote:
> I've got gcc and binutils patches in the new queue already; a small
> patch on top of the existing Debian 4.8 sources, so the source package
> is tiny.

Hi Keith, those are big news! I took a look in the source package and I can see
some constraints and disadvantages in comparison with gcc-arm-embedded but I
think that we can work together (if you want) and improve your package.

* Only C language support. Do you disable c++ for some reason?
* Link time optimization disabled. Why?

* It's delivered without any prebuilt libc. You can't build a project "out of
the box".
* It's a lot of work maintain a toolchain working well. Therefore maintain in a
good shape the package applying some patches "by hand" can become in a hard 

I'll close the ITPs that I've created. If you are agree, we can follow the
discussion in debian-cross.



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