Agustin Henze <> writes:

> On 10/31/2013 04:00 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:
>> I don't think this is a good idea to package this toolchain another time.
>> Please contact Keith Packard who is doing the same thing, but based on GCC
>> 4.8.  Why using GCC 4.7 as a base when even the launchpad projects states 
>> that
>> the main focus of development is 4.8?
> I didn't know that Keith Packard is doing the same. This is a great new! I've
> chosen GCC 4.7 because they haven't made any release with 4.8 yet. They are
> working on it and they have plans to make the release gcc 4.8 based on
> 2013-12-31.
I've got gcc and binutils patches in the new queue already; a small
patch on top of the existing Debian 4.8 sources, so the source package
is tiny.

You can try them out:

        deb unstable/
        deb-src unstable/


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