Carlos Martín Nieto <> writes:

> On Thu, 2012-03-22 at 09:15 +1100, Russell Sim wrote:
>> Carlos Martín Nieto <> writes:
>> > Another reason is that I don't know how much sense it makes to package
>> > the released version, as we've made a lot of bugfixes and added
>> > features since then, and during the pre-1.0 stage, there won't be any
>> > bugfix releases, so it might make more sense to create snapshot
>> > packages.
>> Yes I think that snapshot releases are probably a better way, since the
>> symbols are changing anyway it's probably better to imply it's an
>> unstable API.  Since the testing is improving in the library it should
>> also be easier to determine a working version.  I can look at enhancing
>> my packaging to cover the execution of the clar tests and the write a
>> script to automate updating from the master?
> Sounds good. If the tests pass, package it, otherwise wait for the fixes
> to arrive. No sense in packaging the library if it's broken.

Ok I have added the clar test to the build and I have also turned on the
normal test, even though they are on by default I thought it would be
better to have something fail rather than risk packing a broken package.
I have also tested inducing an error and to confirm that the build

>> > A thing I do take issue with is the short description, which claims
>> > libgit2 implements the "Git DVCS", but that's not what it does. It's an
>> > implementation of the core git functions and it doesn't try to replicate
>> > everything git does, but provide the functionality so you can write your
>> > own tools on top of it.
>> How about, "library to access and manipulate Git repositories" or
>> perhaps back to the original "Git core methods library"?  I don't
>> really like the "git core methods library" one because it kinda implies
>> that git is currently using it.
> Fair point. What "core methods" is trying to say it that its goal is to
> implement the git plumbing functionality, rather than focus on the
> porcelain commands.

I have adjusted it to "low-level Git library" to try and reinforce the
idea that the library implements the plumbing functionality.

> BTW, I noticed that in debian/copyright you missed deps/zlib/* which is
> under its own license.

Yes I must admit that this was a lack of foresight, I naively removed it
when I added zlib to the build-deps. I have added it back now, and I
corrected some minor issues with the dep5 compatibility.

I have pushed the package to my github account [1] in case need it.


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