Dear Wouter,

On Thu, February 9, 2012 12:09 pm, Medhamsh wrote:
>> Having said that, if you're interested in maintaining aspic, I
>> recommend that you first familiarize yourself with its source. I'll
>> happily sponsor your uploads, if you need me to.
> I would do that right away. Will look at its source and write you
> back more about it.

I have downloaded the source as well as debian package source. Installed
the software from source (not from package). Dint explore it in and out
but just got an idea. After that observed the rules file and found it
to be simple with some overrides. Though I have never done a dh7 style
rules, this dint seem to be much difficult. For some reason the four
packages I uploaded to mentors use the long rules file format. I just
wanted myself to familiarize with all the dh_* options and the workflow.
But I can adopt to dh7 style rules. And coming to the copyright file,
it is not in the dep5 machine readable format. May be making this into
a dep5 would be wise. Also, the control file doesn't give any Vcs info
of the package. May be having a Vcs repo would also be a convenient way
for both of us initially and then for anyone who would maintain the pacakge.

Looking for more inputs from you and also requesting a review and sponsor
of my packages mentioned in my previous mail.


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