On Fri, 06 Jan 2012 22:53:06 -0500, Robert James Clay <j...@rocasa.us> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 11:39 -0500, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> > I have noticed that 1.3 is not considered stable by upstream,
>    I haven't seen where they've said that.

Sorry, i meant "now". To rephrase, i think upstream thinks 1.3 is stable.

> > There are also packages for this release at:
> > 
> > http://www.getdeb.net/software/ledgersmb
>    An entirely unofficial set of packages.
>    And we have experimental versions as well, the
> ledgersmb_1.3.9-1_all.deb at [1] for instance. (The stats say it's been
> downloaded but if so, no one has commented on how it's working for
> them...) I'm working on 1.3.9-2 now & will work on one for 1.3.10 when
> it comes out.  The intent is to get a version into at least Debian
> Experimental fairly soon.

That's awesome!

> >  However, I do think we should allow both
> > to be installed side by side since people (like me) have installed the
> > 1.2 packages and may not be ready for the (maybe) complicated upgrade
> > process.
>    In what way do you think they could be installed "side by side"?
> IIRC, there is some functionality in 1.3.x to upgrade/update a 1.2.x
> database but I don't see a way to have both versions of the application
> itself that way and frankly I don't see the point.  (If someone really
> has a need to have both available, like for testing, just put the other
> version(s) in a VPS.)

Yeah, that's how I'll do the upgrade probably. I just thought of how
other packages (e.g. Apache or request-tracker) handled this and they
made sure you could do a smooth upgrade by allowing both (say)
request-tracker3.8 and request-tracker4 to be installed side by side to
perform the upgrade safely.

I do not see this as an absolute requirement though.

> > What's the status of the 1.2 package in Debian? What's the blocker? It
> > seems to me we should just upload 1.2.25 already...
>    why?  Upstream notes that it is not recommended for new installations
> and they also noted (back in October) that "community (free) support"
> for such 1.2.x versions is expected to be "fade away" fairly quickly.

I wasn't aware you had a 1.3 package ready. It makes sense to me to
upload 1.3 directly.

Sorry for the confusion.

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