also sprach <> [2011.12.20.1143 +0100]:
> extsmail enables the robust sending of e-mail to external commands. extsmail
> masquerades as the standard UNIX "sendmail" program, reading messages, and 
> later
> piping them to user-defined commands. In a sense, extsmail can be thought of 
> as
> a very simple "tiny" sendmail. A typical use is to allow e-mail to be piped 
> via
> SSH to external servers running a full sendmail-compatible MTA. extsmail is
> designed to have sensible defaults, and configuring it is a one-off, quick 
> job.

What makes it robust? What happens if the external command fails?
How is failure detected?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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