
I recently submitted the ITP below. I would like to put the prospective
package on Alioth (under git) and I was wondering if the best would be
to have it co-maintained by the Debian Science team (and myself as

By the way, I will need a sponsor for this package once it's ready.

I have been Debian Maintainer for a few years already and I maintain
(alone) a bunch of science related packages (yorick*), which would also
benefit from Alioth hosting, perhaps in the Debian Science Repository.

It is not clear to me whether it makes sense to "co-maintain" within
Debian Science those packages, which, in the end, I will presumably
always maintain myself.

Best regards, Thibaut.


Package: wnpp
Owner: Thibaut Paumard <paum...@users.sourceforge.net>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : gyoto
  Version         : 1.0 (coming soon)
  Upstream Author : Thibaut Paumard <paum...@users.sourceforge.net>,
                    Frederic Vincent at obspm fr
* URL             : http://gyoto.obspm.fr
* License         : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing

Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits and  ray-traced
images in General relativity. It consists in a shared library
(libgyoto0/libgyoto0-dev), utility programs (in the gyoto package), and
a plug-in for the Yorick programing language (in yorick-gyoto). With it
you can basically:
 - compute the trajectory of a body in the vicinity of a compact object
(e.g. a black hole);
 - compute the image of an astronomical source (a star, an accretion
disk...) in the vicinity of a compact object (such images are affected
by strong gravitational lensing effects).

This source package would thus produce the following binary packages:

 libgyoto0:     relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing
 libgyoto0-dev: development files for libgyoto
 gyoto:         General relativistic ray-tracing
 yorick-gyoto:  General relativistic geodesic integration for the Yorick 
 gyoto-doc:     documentation for the Gyoto library

I am interested in maintaining this package because:

1- I am one of the primary upstream authors and I want Gyoto to be
actually usable and used;

2- there is no alternative in the Debian archive. Actually, Gyoto is the
first relativistic ray-tracer to be publicly available, not to mention
open source.

Best regards, Thibaut.

* Dr Thibaut Paumard       | LESIA/CNRS - B. Lyot (n°6)                *
* Tel: +33 1 45 07 75 45   | Observatoire de Paris - Section de Meudon *
* Fax: +33 1 45 07 79 17   | 5, Place Jules Janssen                    *
* thibaut.paum...@obspm.fr | 92195 MEUDON CEDEX (France)               *

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