On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:23:53 -0700, Ludovico Cavedon wrote:

> Ciao Davide,

*cough* David senza "e" finale :D *cough*

> I also a have basic package ready, but I still have to prepare the
> manpage for the jtb command, fill the copyright file and add a maven pom
> file.

I have a manpage ready, attaching it to this bugreport.

> Moreover it is not clear to me which version is the right one to package:
> On [1] the latest version is 1.3.2, from 2005, probably no longer
> maintained.
> Looks like that [2] took over development of jtb, distributing version

Ok, I didn't know about the eclipse fork of jtb.

> So I would be inclined to distribute the latter.

Yes, I agree.

> However the only reason I am packaging jtb is beacuse it is used by
> javacc-maven-plugin, which actually use 1.3.2. Therefore I need to make
> sure that it works with
> The only reason I want to package jtb is because it is a chain
> dependency of htmlunit, and I am not java-involved :).

Ah :)

<sarcasm>Where's the pkg-java team, in all this? :)</sarcasm>

(yes, I need javacc-maven-plugin too, which is blocking one RFP from me, which
blocks another ITP from me, blocking yet-another-ITP from me, blocking the
original bug in my package. Madness.)

> Anyway, if you (or anybody else reading this ITP) want to take-over or
> co-maintain jtb, you are welcome! I can start pushing the changes to
> git.debian.org

It's a small package (at least the 1.3.2 one, I don't know anything about
Eclipse), so I believe co-maintainance is not necessary. OTOH, someone from
pkg-java should really take it.

> I am planning to to some more work on it this weekend and hopefully get
> it uploaded...

That's great!


 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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