Gianfranco Costamagna dijo [Fri, Mar 21, 2025 at 08:24:02AM +0000]:
3. DebConf
I digress, this isn't about my gripes with DebConf, it's about yours.
What do you think are the biggest problems with DebConf, and if you had
a magic wish or two as DPL to change things, what would that be?
I support this idea, for reasons I couldn't attend any DebConf yet, but I plan
start attending them in the future.
One idea (probably bad I know), might be to consider shifting the time of the
by some days every year, to allow people have higher chances to attend if they
coudln't have vacation period in august.
Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but might be worth a discussion
As a long-time DebConf organizer and current member of the DebConf Committee:
The reason DebConf usually takes place in July/August is that it's the spot our
local organizers can usually find availability in the venues that host us (that
are often universities, so it makes sense to be there while they are on
Of course, we have had conferences a bit later in the year (Kochi, India, for
DC23, was in September due to weather concerns, and if the Japanese team
presents their bid for DC27, it's very likely it will be in September as well
for the same reason). But this is more due to what the localteam suggests as
viable than to something we global organizers push for centrally.
Anyway, I hope for the opportunity to meet you in person at a future DebConf! 🙂
– Gunnar.