> If you're a Debian expert, salsa is often where you get the source > code to a program if you want to seriously work on it.
I use apt source. I don't care about the unreleased untested changes that are likely to be present on salsa. At work I made a whole system to add patches to packages, and of course it uses apt source, because using salsa is not possible to automate anything. And we want what's in the archive + our patch, nothing else. And we have an internal mirror of the archive. Salsa is slow. If you want to contribute upstream, you follow the upstream procedure, and salsa won't be involved. So at least in my case, I never touch salsa if it's a non-debian activity. -- Salvo Tomaselli "Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno." -- Galileo Galilei https://ltworf.codeberg.page/