On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 07:54:45 +0200, Ansgar 🙀 wrote:
> Just include a hash
> similar to [1] in the signed tag data

Prior art: this is conceptually the same as git-evtag from
src:git-evtag. You can see real-world use of git-evtag in the upstream
tags (e.g. v0.9.0) of src:bubblewrap.

> it might need minor changes if
> one cares about file permissions[2].

If this is something that will be used as a security mechanism, then
I think it probably needs to represent symbolic links as well. I think
git-evtag does (it checksums all git "blobs" and I believe that includes
symlinks), but it seems sumdb/dirhash behaves as though symlinks didn't

git specifically *doesn't* care about file permissions, beyond a 1-bit
representation of whether it's executable or not, so anything like
tag2upload that is based on git-as-source will have to cope with mtimes
and detailed permissions possibly differing between what was obtained
from git and what's in the .dsc. When people have talked about code being
"treesame" elsewhere in this thread, I believe they mean "all facts that
git tracks in its tree are the same, facts that git does not track might
not be".


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