On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 12:26:50PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Andreas Tille writes ("How is the original tarball obtained in tag2upload"):
> > In many teams we keep the metadata about the
> > orig.tar.$COMPRESSION tarball in pristine-tar branch.  In most cases
> > this works flawlessly but I've observed some exceptions and read about
> > potential problems with pristine-tar.
> Firstly, if there is an orig in the archive, the t2u robot will use
> that.  Failing that, it will use "git-deborig" which will call
> "git-archive".  Currently there isn't any support for pristine-tar;
> that would be possible in principle.

(risking doing design on debian-vote, but it's a bit late for that)

It's been my impression [citation needed] that pristine-tar/lfs still
exists mainly out of inertia and simple tooling around it that makes it
more of a why not. If we're gaining a mostly git-native upload workflow
out of this, I think it would be wise to second-guess if this support is
even needed in tag2upload.

You're already using the archive to obtain the orig.tar where available,
which neuters one of pristine-tar's purposes: to get everything needed
to build past releases from just a git clone [1]. New upstream versions
*for likely users of tag2upload*, I believe the git-archive generated
tarball would be a sufficient incidental artifact to be uploaded -
making tag2upload the authoritative one-off source instead of
(presumably) upstream's forge generator.

[1]: speaking of which, and the answer might be "just learn to use dgit",
but it'd nice to have whatever mechanism is doing this built into e.g.
`gbp buildpackage` in the same way pristine-tar currently is.

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