On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:20:45 AM EDT Ian Jackson wrote:
> Scott Kitterman writes ("Re: [RFC] General Resolution to deploy 
> > On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 6:25:02 PM EDT Sean Whitton wrote:
> > > - it improves the traceability and auditability of our source-only
> > > 
> > >   uploads, in ways that are particular salient in the wake of xz-utils.
> > 
> > As I understand it, Debian was affected by the xz-utils hack, in
> > part, because some artifacts were inserted into an upstream tarball
> > that were not represented in the upstream git.  Please explain how
> > use of tag2upload is relevant to this scenario?  I'm afraid I don't
> > follow.
> Disclaimer: I don't know precisely the Debian xz's maintainer's
> workflow.
> tag2upload, like dgit, ensures and insists that the git tree you are
> uploading corresponds precisely [1] to the generated source package.
> If you base your Debian git maintainer branch on the upstream git (as
> you should) and there is a discrepancy between the contents of the
> upstream git branch, and the .orig.tar.gz you're using, the upload
> will fail.
> In the xz case, if the .orig.tar.gz is upstream's, that would have
> detected the attack.  More realistically, since the attacker was
> targeting Debian, they would instead have had to put all of the
> malicious code into the git repository, which is possible, but riskier
> - so it makes the attack harder, or easier to detect, but doesn't rule
> it out.
> There are some cavests to this.
> I believe some maintainers maintain a "upstream tarball imports"
> branch, which has upstream git as its ancestor, but whose tree
> contents are the upstream tarballs.  They then base the Debian branch
> on that.  That workflow is vulnerable to "random stuff" in the
> tarballs.
> It would also be possible to create a debian/patches/ patch [2]
> representing the difference between git and the tarball.  There are
> various tools in Debian that might make such a patch, including (I
> think) dpkg-source, gbp and perhaps dgit, depending on what workflow
> and options and so on.
> There are probably other workflows that have similar weaknesses.
> I wouldn't recommend any of them.
> Stepping back a bit, the underlying theme is (obviously) that the
> upstream tarball wasn't great, in this case.
> In Debian we have historically had a strong culture of wanting to use
> upstream release tarballs.  That made a lot of sense 20-30 years ago
> when almost all free software projects released tarballs, and
> considered them primary, and the VCS situation was a total mess.
> Nowadays, for most projects, the upstream developers work in git.  So
> git is the source code.  Upstream provides tarballs via some
> semi-automated process, but it's not what they work with.  Ie the
> tarballs are an intermediate build product.
> In Debian we are supposed to use the source code.  We should be using
> the same thing as upstream.
> There are other reasons why tarballs can be worse, than that they
> could be maliciously modified.  Often tarballs contain prebuilt stuff
> of various kinds.  In Debian we usually want to build everything from
> source.  That's much easier to get right if we start from the actual
> source!
> Ian.
> [1] Modulo "patches-applied" vs "patches-unapplied" and some other
> fiddly details which aren't relevant to this discussion.
> [2] Assuming a gbp workflow and `3.0 (quilt)`, for the moment.

If I am understanding you correctly, tag2upload is only relevant to the XZ 
Utils type attack if the maintainer uses the upstream git rather than the 
upstream provided tarball as the basis for their Debian work.  Is that right?

If so, it seems to me that is entirely tangential to this proposed GR.  Any 
maintainer that wants to do that now, can and no maintainer is forced to do so 
if Debian deploys tag2upload, per the GR.  I think it would be useful if the 
GR focused on the benefits of the GR and did not try to market itself based on 
the threat of the day.

Scott K

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