Hi Robert, Am Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 07:30:51AM -0400 schrieb Roberto C. Sánchez: > ... > In any event, rather than infer what you might believe, I thought it > more respectful and helpful to ask you give some insight into how you > shaped your view so that those who consider voting for you might > understand how you would like to reshape the Debian project.
Since you are repeatedly asking for measures I might like to add that I'm very keen on giving *everybody* a fair chance to contribute. Our platform for contribution is Salsa. One of my measures is how many packages are maintained on this platform. I sometimes make UDD queries like: udd=> SELECT DISTINCT source, maintainer, uploaders, vcs_browser FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and (maintainer ilike '%Roberto%anch%' or uploaders ilike '%Roberto%anch%') and (vcs_url not like '%salsa%' or vcs_url is null) order by source; source | maintainer | uploaders | vcs_browser ----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------- bmagic | Athena Capital Research <acr-deb...@athenacr.com> | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | cpuset | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | | libmongocrypt | Mongo C Driver Team <mongo-c-driver-deb...@googlegroups.com> | Kevin Albertson <kevin.albert...@mongodb.com>, Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com>, Kyle Kloberdanz <kyle.kloberd...@mongodb.com> | luabind | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | | mongo-c-driver | Mongo C Driver Team <mongo-c-driver-deb...@googlegroups.com> | Kevin Albertson <kevin.albert...@mongodb.com>, Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com>, Kyle Kloberdanz <kyle.kloberd...@mongodb.com> | https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/tree/master mysql++ | Athena Capital Research <acr-deb...@athenacr.com> | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | quickfix | Athena Capital Research <acr-deb...@athenacr.com> | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | sparsehash | Athena Capital Research <acr-deb...@athenacr.com> | Roberto C. Sanchez <robe...@connexer.com> | (8 rows) While you have other packages maintaines on Salsa udd=> SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and (maintainer ilike '%Roberto%anch%' or uploaders ilike '%Roberto%anch%') and vcs_url like '%salsa%' ; count ------- 10 (1 row) BTW, thanks for maintaining 18 packages in Debian and thanks even more for having the majority on Salsa. However, I'm honestly curious about the motivations behind your decision to not use Salsa regarding the apparent lack of opportunity for broader contributions to the packages you are maintaining. You are by far not the only maintainer in this aspect but I'm interested in specific reasons of people who care about an open environment. I'm particularly interested in hearing your perspective on this matter, especially in light of my own proposal outlined in the "Lower Barriers" section of my platform. So if you want one metric I'm keen on then it might be this one: udd=> SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and vcs_url like '%salsa%' ; 33703 udd=> SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and vcs_url not like '%salsa%' ; 2368 I would like to push the latter number below 2000. You can help me in doing so in 8 cases if you agree with me that it helps newcomers to have a common platform for development on Debian. Kind regards Andreas. -- https://fam-tille.de