I find even calling asking for a stance on wording regarding "gender issues" disrespectful.
If you just respect everyone for who they are, using gender neutral language follows automatically. Because it's the only way to be inclusive to all genders and orientations (no matter if people are male, female non-binary, straight, homosexual, asexual or whatever way they feel to be themselves). 
Funnily, I've never find someone trans trying to force a change of gender onto others. The only people I ever ran into trying to force others to live their lives in a specific way where heterosexual non-trans (aka cis) people. Thankfully a minority, though an extremely vocal one.

Live your life the way you want.  But don't try to force others to live theirs like you want them to.

Kind regards,

PS: this means that I think you replied to the wrong person. Rhonda's response was respectful, the mail she replied to wasn't.

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