On 3/22/24 15:47, Nilesh Patra wrote:
I have worked with both Andreas and Sruthi in some capacity in different teams so I have some idea about about the turn-around time for both (usually quick).In Debian, responding to something in around a week is normal (anf good), however, some DPL tasks would likely come out as urgent+important and would require you to revert within 24h.
When something is urgent, turnaround within a day or so should be possible for me. Ping me on IRC and matrix, just in case something is to be done in lesser than one day.
While I was answering this question, a thought came to mind. Sending mails to leader@ classified as URGENCY - Low, Medium, High could have better response time. The leader@ inbox would be overflowing with messages and identifying the urgency will make things efficient.
I would be definitely increasing my Debian time. Also, most of my current activities are in delegated teams from which I will be released if I become DPL. So I will have that time too.How effectively do you think you'd manage something like this? Do you also intend to change something w/ respect to the current time you're spending on Debian? Do you intend to re-org the time you spend into technical work (for andreas) or outreach/community/AM team activity (for srud) into DPL tasks?
Best, Nilesh
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