Hi Nilesh,

Am Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 03:47:08PM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> I have worked with both Andreas and Sruthi in some capacity in different teams

I'm hereby use the chance to thank you again for your great work
increasing my personal time for other things quite a lot. ;-)

> so I have some idea about about the turn-around time for both (usually quick).
> In Debian, responding to something in around a week is normal (anf good), 
> however, some
> DPL tasks would likely come out as urgent+important and would require
> you to revert within 24h.

Usually I should be able to respond in 24h.  However, my plan is
to delay important DPL statements *intentionally* to
  1. Consult trusted and experienced DDs about the topic
  2. Sleep over it 

> How effectively do you think you'd manage something like this?

I can't seriously answer this question in advance.
> Do you also intend to change something w/ respect to the current time you're 
> spending
> on Debian?

I plan a massive change in my Debian work to shift from uploading
and bug fixing to DPL tasks.

> Do you intend to re-org the time you spend into technical work (for andreas)

I have informed the attendees of Debian Med sprint *before* I even was
drafting my platform.  I'm observing some increased dedication inside
the team and I'm as well happy as thankful for this.

I wrote some e-mail to Debian R team[1].  I admit I consider the R-pkg
team as non-functional since I'm de-facto the only uploader[2] (since
Dirk E. does not consider himself a team member and his uploads are not
the team maintained packages).  I'm concerned about the fact that there
is very low response to my mail.  We definitely need some contributor
who takes over routine-uploads to keep the R stack up to date.

> or outreach/community/AM team activity (for srud) into DPL tasks?

To be honest: This is a question I had to myself several times and I
really hope that my answer is not to strongly in contrast to reality.

Kind regards

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-r/2024/03/msg00000.html
[2] http://blends.debian.net/liststats/uploaders_r-pkg.png


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