On Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 09:14:53PM +0200, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 03:11:25PM -0500, Richard Laager wrote:
>> > I like to discussion about anything related to this, so that I can at
>> > least get an idea what the consensus is.
>> DSC 1 and DSC 5 have some implications about "the Debian system" vis-a-vis
>> non-free, but the plan here is to keep the firmware in a separate
>> non-free-firmware analogous to non-free. That seems fine to me.
>> DSC 1 says we will never "require the use of a non-free component". To me,
>> this is the major relevant issue.
>> Proposals B and C offer users the explicit choice of media. That feels
>> clearly compatible with the DSC, as users are not required to use non-free
>> bits.
>> Proposal A will use non-free-firmware by default, but "where possible...will
>> include ways for users to disable this". Without the "where possible", I
>> think this opt-out is compatible with the DSC. However, if it is not
>> possible to disable the non-free-firmware, then it feels like the system is,
>> in fact, requiring it. Thus this option, as worded, feels potentially
>> incompatible with the DSC.
>It that it says "at boot". That seems to imply that it will get
>installed, but it might not get used, which might at least surprise
>some people. But maybe that's only for the live images.

I don't think we're on the same page here. The point of "at boot" and
"where possible" here is just to describe possibilities for how users
would interact with the firmware-included media. For example: if a
user selected a boot option saying "use no non-free firmware, then it
would be neither used *nor* installed. I added "where possible" as I
can't state with *100%* certainty that we'd be able to expose that
choice in every possible boot method - we haven't worked through all
the possibilities yet!

If those bits of extra text are causing you problems, then let's
remove them?

>Note that the SC only says: "require the use of a non-free component".
>This can be interpreted as having it installed is not a problem as
>long as it's not used.
>I think there are people that want to use the official image but don't
>want anything non-free installed, nor want it in the sources.list file.
>So they might want to have an installer that supports that.
>So I think I have to agree that the "where possible" is probably not
>compatible with the SC. I think it should be more explicit that it will
>be possible to disable the use of non-free firmware.

Right. See above...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"Because heaters aren't purple!" -- Catherine Pitt

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