On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 03:31:12PM +0100, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:
> I think its a bit sad that even in Debian the motivation to vote seems to be
> pretty low. I'm wondering if there is anything we can do to motivate more
> people to vote.

Generally, I tend to vote when I see a technical benefit or when I see
the vote as really important such as the DPL. I tend not to vote for
purely political things that I do not care about. Debian has become way
to political in the last years after losing its technical leadership

In addition, I find English to be quite unsuitable for legal documents.
English legalese is almost impossible to read for me. Debian GRs, even
the technical ones, are almost always incomprehensible legalese after a
bunch of highly intelligent people have pondered on the wording for

The one we just had was tl;dr to me. The people pushing it gave me zero
motivation to read it, I spent my spare time on my packages.


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