
Thank you to Enrico Zini for another unifying proposal.

> Title: Reaffirm the values of the majority
> ============== CHOICE TEXT BELOW ==============
> Debian commits to give priority, resources, and energy, to those who
> actually get the work done in the distribution.
> We explicitly refuse to acknowledge irrelevant political issues such as
> misogyny, ableism, transphobia and all other similar concerns that have
> nothing to do with the technical work that is the focus of our
> distribution.
> We also commit to respecting and preserving the good name of the people
> who write and maintain the software that we use daily. Should they
> become the target of accusations that may tarnish their well earned
> reputation, we will stand behind them and refuse to hold them
> accountable for anything except the quality of their technical
> contributions.
> ===============================================


Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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